Monday, December 21, 2009

These are a few of my favorite things...

Or favorite blogs and vlogs, rather! I'm not posting/vlogging as frequently as I'd like to, so I thought I'd put together a handy-dandy list of people who do (or did). These are either people I currently follow or people who served as excellent sources of information as I began my foray into CP obsession research. Since I can't detail EVERY fabulous blog I follow, please head on over to my profile to check out even more awesome CPers (under the blogs I'm following section or something like that)!  

First of all, I'd like to once again mention the wonder that is the DISBoards College Board. It's a wonderful community full of people who know their stuff when it comes to the CP and are more than happy to help out those with questions. It's also a very supportive community and one of the most drama-free Disney forums out there! (It's amazing how much dramarama Disney fanatics can generate, really.)

Brenna: A Walt Disney World Career
Entertainment >> PI >> Disney career woman. I read her blog from start to finish and all of it was fantastic and informative. Yay Brenna! She's also on the College Board and very helpful when it comes to answering any Entertainment questions (as much as she can answer them, anyway).

Note that many of her posts are "friends-only" - meaning you won't be able to read them unless you have a livejournal and Brenna has accepted you as a friend. This is mostly for character integrity's sake - drop her a line and explain why you friended her, and hopefully you'll gain access to her wonderfully informative posts!

Chris Saribay
FSFB (Ohana). Chris seems to have stopped writing his blog, but the informational posts that are available make up for that, because they are truly helpful.

Joanna: The Biggest Disney Fan Around
Multiple CPs - merchandise, character attendant, custodial, attractions. She's currently working Toy Story Mania and was approved to extend to the Great Movie Ride, the lucky duck.
If you're on the DISBoards or one of the Facebook groups, you'll probably recognize Joanna as that awesome person who knows everything there is to know when it comes to the CP - and what's more, she's incredibly helpful when it comes to sharing that knowledge!

Molly: Married to the Mouse
Entertainment. An entertaining and informative blog. Like Brenna, her blog is "friends only." Molly is sometimes on the College Board, too.

John: The Purple Folder
QSFB, I think? An EXCELLENT Disney blog. I always look forward to reading his entries/weekly themes/etc. Highly recommended!

Ashlie: Princess Ash's WDWCP Blog
Spring 2010 Attractions. Another College Boarder, Ash's blog is written in a wonderful storytelling style. I look forward to hearing all about her Spring adventures!

Will's Fantasmic Disney Adventures
Companion to his excellent vlog. Will has already done a program in merchandise and will be going back for Spring 2010.

And a few of my fellow fall hopefuls!
Kristin (also an alum!)
Lyanne (who has the most awesome blog title EVER)

2 words: JOHN. HENSELMEIER. : now a seasonal Jungle Cruise Skipper.
Will : former Merchandise participant, Spring 2010 participant. Also has a blog.

Ryan O's Disney Show : Spring 2010 Main Entrance Ops
Lauren : fellow Fall 2010 hopeful. Also has a blog.

I'd also like to mention The Disney Vloggers channel and the Fall 2010 channel. The latter has nothing at the moment, but hey - subscribe anyway?


Anonymous said...

Those blogs/vlogs have helped me through some sad, Disney-less days. They're great and very informative. :)

Marina said...

Excellent list Miss Abby! I would have recommended the same ones. Well done. Hopefully once my CP starts, I can be on a list like this. haha.

Kristin said...

thanks for posting these lists abby! it was good talking to you in the chat a couple weeks ago (if you remember, i just got back to this blog thing and set mine up correctly lol!) now i have something to do in the next couple weeks!

Ashlie said...

Thank you SO much Abby for putting me on this list. I am truly honored by your kind words! I am also so thankful for all of my followers!

Keep up the great work Abby; your blog is fantastic and I love reading it :)

Lyanne said...

OMG! I can't beleive I hadn't read this till now!!!
Thanks for mentioning my blog here! And the title!! lol! I didn't think it was such an awesome title till now! :D
you made my day! yay!

Jessyka said...

Although I was in the Disney College Program for FA 2009 I've recently been going through my blog to updating my CP blog links and such and have found a ton more to add. I don't know if you've seen it yet but you can find it at! Happy Blogging!

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